Surveying Engineer Serres - Salmas Angel - Technical Office

Surveying Engineer Serres - Salmas Angel - Technical Office

32386 Visitors:
Address: 26, Georgiou Papandreou Str.
Area: Serres town
Telephone: 2321058667
Mobile: 6978108000
P.C.: 62123
Fax: 2321058667
Responsible: Aggelos Salmas
Responsible phone: 6973007036
Surveying engineer based in the city of Serres offers high quality services in the fields of Topography and G.I.S. satisfying the requirements and needs of its customers. Having experience (design and manufacture) in various types of studies and collaborations with qualified engineers, our technical office is able to guarantee the high quality of service wherever it occurs. We undertake the study, work with the relevant competent public services and do our utmost to the benefit of our clie...
32386 Visitors:

26, Georgiou Papandreou Str., Serres town

32386 Visitors:

Surveying engineer based in the city of Serres offers high quality services in the fields of Topography and G.I.S. satisfying the requirements and needs of its customers.

Having experience (design and manufacture) in various types of studies and collaborations with qualified engineers, our technical office is able to guarantee the high quality of service wherever it occurs.

We undertake the study, work with the relevant competent public services and do our utmost to the benefit of our clients. we cover every topographical activity in Northern Greece offering a wide range of services.

We provide our services instantly and at highly competitive prices in three directions - areas:

  •     Individuals
  •     Technical offices - design companies
  •     Construction companies.

In more detail we undertake:

  •     Topographic Charts
  •     Issuance of a building permit
  •     Beach & beach layout
  •     Segmentation of land and parcels
  •     Limitation of land - parcels
  •     Contract - Transfers
  •     Drawing of plotting - building lines
  •     Study support
  •     Impressions, Elevations.
  •     Digital Ground Model Performance - Leveling
  •     Design support: horizontal, longitudinal, cross sections
  •     Triangles - network corrections
  •     Definitions - Engravings
  •     Geotagging of images - maps
  •     Digitization of drawings - maps
  •     Archiving drawings - maps
  •     Construction support
  •     Horizontal-altimeter engravings
  •     Gradual mapping of earthworks


topographic charts serres, surveyor topography serres, technical office serres, settlement of arbitrary serres Topographic Charts
topographic charts serres, surveyor topography serres, technical office serres, settlement of arbitrary serres Building permit
topographic charts serres, surveyor topography serres, technical office serres, settlement of arbitrary serres Beach & beach layout
topographic charts serres, surveyor topography serres, technical office serres, settlement of arbitrary serres Segmentation of land and parcels
topographic charts serres, surveyor topography serres, technical office serres, settlement of arbitrary serres Limitation of land and parcels
topographic charts serres, surveyor topography serres, technical office serres, settlement of arbitrary serres Contract - Transfers
topographic charts serres, surveyor topography serres, technical office serres, settlement of arbitrary serres Drawing of plotting - building lines
topographic charts serres, surveyor topography serres, technical office serres, settlement of arbitrary serres Study support
topographic charts serres, surveyor topography serres, technical office serres, settlement of arbitrary serres Impressions, Elevations.
topographic charts serres, surveyor topography serres, technical office serres, settlement of arbitrary serres Digital Ground Model Performance - Leveling
topographic charts serres, surveyor topography serres, technical office serres, settlement of arbitrary serres Design support: horizontal, longitudinal, cross sections
topographic charts serres, surveyor topography serres, technical office serres, settlement of arbitrary serres Triangles - network corrections
topographic charts serres, surveyor topography serres, technical office serres, settlement of arbitrary serres Definitions - Engravings
topographic charts serres, surveyor topography serres, technical office serres, settlement of arbitrary serres Geotagging of images - maps
topographic charts serres, surveyor topography serres, technical office serres, settlement of arbitrary serres Digitization of drawings - maps
topographic charts serres, surveyor topography serres, technical office serres, settlement of arbitrary serres Archiving drawings - maps
topographic charts serres, surveyor topography serres, technical office serres, settlement of arbitrary serres Construction support
topographic charts serres, surveyor topography serres, technical office serres, settlement of arbitrary serres Horizontal-altimeter engravings
topographic charts serres, surveyor topography serres, technical office serres, settlement of arbitrary serres Gradual mapping of earthworks
32386 Visitors:

26, Georgiou Papandreou Str.
Serres town

Telephone: 2321058667
Mobile: 6978108000

Working Hours

08:00 - 21:00
08:00 - 21:00
08:00 - 21:00
08:00 - 21:00
08:00 - 21:00
09:00 - 14:30